The Outsider: The New Movie

Think of your favourite 80s teen cult classic: Goonies, The Breakfast Club, Grease. You’ve got you The Jocks, The Models, The Geeks, The Jokers, The Jokes. All banding together to take on the world. Who are we missing? Oh, yeah, me: The Outsider. You always did forget about me, and now I’m teaching your children… 

Fast forward 30 years and The Jock’s all have arthritis, The Model’s lost their looks, The Geek has a glass-ceiling desk job, The Joker is… The Joke, too. Where does that leave me? Hi, I’m Mr Anderson, your children’s teacher…

Mr Anderson is as much of an Outsider as they come. At 40, he’s perfected making himself invisible, and it has as many perks as it has drawbacks. Each year he gets a new class and he can group them before they’ve even clocked eyes on each other. Things never change. He pities the quiet ones, the ones like him, and with every clique that nudges them down to the end of the canteen table. He watches them shrink with every shuffle of shame. Then Austin Brown, the ‘It Guy’ of his high school and sworn enemy, drops his kid of for the first day of term….

In association with Warp Films:

The company that brought you:

This is England


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